Degree School

Degree School

Students who enrol in the program from the ANFCBII two-year diploma course must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.00. It is also important for you to have gained English in WASC as the courses are university degree standard and require a good grasp of the language.  Any equivalents of the above qualifications will be considered.

Admission is also given to students who have completed the All Nations for Christ Bible Institute Int’l (Part-Time) Diploma, but in order to earn an Associate of Arts Degree, a total of 17 (Seventeen) courses must be successfully completed.  This is because the total credit hours for those diplomas are less than those in two-year program.

If you attended any post-secondary school other than ANFCBII, you must request them to send an official transcript in a sealed official envelope to ANFCBII.

 Subjects Offered in the Degree Programme

We recommend that you work towards a Bachelor Degree in Theology.

You can earn an Associate of Arts Degree as a first step. To earn an Associate of Arts Degree, the student must successfully complete the following subjects. These subjects are given in on campus tutorials. They are:

AA Courses        

Semester 1.

  1. Church History
  2. Introduction to I.T
  3. Christian Ethics 1
  4. Cross Cultural Communications
  5. Soteriology
  6. Intro. to English Language
  7. Dissertation Writing 1
  8. Introduction to Pentecostalism
  9. Principles of Bible Interpretation

Semester 2

  1. The Bible & Church
  2. Hermeneutics
  3. OTBT
  4. Intro. To English Lang. 2
  5. Biblical Studies 1
  6. World Religion
  7. Christian Ethics 2
  8. Dissertation writing 2

To earn a Bachelor Degree from ANFCBII, additional courses must be successfully completed. They are:

Semester 1

  1. Introduction to Psychology
  2. Genesis
  3. Apologetics
  4. Principles of Journalism
  5. Agape/Human Relations
  6. Introduction to Christian Education
  7. introduction to philosophy
  8. Pneumatology
  9. Church Leadership
  10. Dissertation

Semester 2

  1. Introduction to Sociology
  2. Pentateuch
  3. Principles of public Speaking
  4. Evangelism today
  5. Christian Education Leadership
  6. Christian Counselling
  7. Biblical Studies 2
  8. Charismatic Studies

Associates of Art Course Duration.

The Course runs for a year which is being divided into two semesters. January –June and July to December. Applicants may apply in January or in July.

Who Should Attend?

Applicants are expected to have a Diploma Certificate from any recognized Bible College/Seminary.

Bachelors of Art Course Duration.

 The course runs for a year which is being divided into two semesters. January – June and July-December. Applicants may apply in January or in July.

Who Should Attend?

 Applicants are expected to have at least an Associate of Arts Degree or its equivalent in Theology or other Bible related studies from any recognized Bible/Theological Institutions in Nigeria or any other parts of the world.

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